Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Bamburi nature trails: a Kenyan rehabilitated Eco-Tourism site

Imagine a derelict cement quarry being turned into a rich coastal tropical ecosystem bursting with life. This was how Bamburi nature trails was 36 years ago, an open waste land, before receiving international recognition for rehabilitation as a leading tourist site.
Owned by Bamburi cement factory in Mombasa the Haller Park and Forest Trails are a kilometers apart on Mombasa-Malindi highway.
The nature trails diversity is reflected with over 400 plants species with around 200 bird species. An ornithologist guide tourists and visitors on a bird safari to watch the narina trogon, golden weaver, waders and migratory species are a common feature at the trails.
During the evening feeding times visitors can get close with giraffes, crocodile, buffaloes and hippos at the animal sanctuary.
The trails about 20km stretch are designed for leisure walks, exercises and cycling around a dramatic kaleidoscope of landscape from open, active quarries to the lush forests with docile elands and Oryx along the way.
The night walk with romantic intense scents of forest is class of its own with life teaming with water bucks, genet cats, fire flies and bush babies.
Other animals in the sanctuary include mongoose, suni, duikers, giant aldabran tortoises, bats, owls amongst others.
Stated more than a decade ago, the butterfly pavilion exhibits a leisure stop point for visitors to admire the floating insects in their lovely iridescent colors.
Owen and Mzee
A place to unwind
When booked in advance the grounds at Haller Park and the forest trails forms an ideal and serene environment for social events.
The sunset terrace extending over a quite forest lake is ideal for an evening drink with friends and family to unwind in nature.
The secured fully fledged playgrounds offer kids fan and safety during family outing like birthday parties and weddings.
Companies on team building, product launch, theme nights and co-operate launch can access the modern conference facilities at Haller Park pavilion in a rustic forest setting.
The auditorium seats 80 people in a serene surrounding inspiring creativity.
For foreign tourists the gift shop supports local artists by catching the diversity of Kenyan rich culture with souvenir and beauty accessories for friends and family back home.
For more information and booking about Bamburi nature trails go to:  http://www.lafargeecosystems.com/

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