Sunday, March 7, 2010

National Social Security Fund sued for delayed compensation.

NSSF building in Nairobi
A retired don is suing the National Social Security Fund, NSSF and the attorney General for the delay of his retirement compensation.

The former dean of students and principal lecturer at Migori Teachers College want to be compensated over 200,000 on injuries suffered while performing his duty.

Mr. Philemon Barasa, 52, told the senior principal magistrate Ezra Awino of Migori law courts that he suffered fractures on both hands on 17th January 1994 when he slipped while checking students hostels.

The former don told the court that NSSF refusal t5o compensate him him for late compensation since it never applies to TSC employees quoting TSC workman compensation chapte3r which reads in part:

“Under the workman compensation act a teacher employed by TSC irrespective of his terms of service is entitled to compensation if injury or if he dies in the actual discharge of his duties, without his own default,,,”

NSSF refused to compensate the don although TSC recommended payment on a later date, 16th May 2000.

Verdict will be passed on 26th March this year.

(26/02/09  the article was written while i was a volunteer at Kenya News Agency)

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