Friday, April 16, 2010

Kenya should keep out of the Somali conflict

The report by UN Monitoring Group on Somali linking the Kenyan government to the Somali crisis should set off alarm bells not only in Kenya but to the region at large.
That Kenya agreed in training of 2,500 Kenyan and Somalian youths for the Transitional Federal Government (TFG)  shows how deeply involved the country is in conflict.
In addition, Kenya, through corrupt government officials, allows illegal immigrants in the country and aids their connection to Europe through visa frauds rackets.
Cross-border raids between the two countries have been reported with elders from both sides trying to reach a consensus. This clearly shows the minimum control the governments have of the volatile areas.
Like all conflict the nature of Somalian crisis is that it sticks like a second skin as seen in the jittery diplomatic relation between Ethiopia and Eritrea as they support TPG and Al-Shabaab respectively.
Most worrying is that a good proportion of Al-Shabaab fighters who are linked to global terrorists network Al-Qaeda, are Kenyans. Once skilled in guerilla warfare, they will return to the country heightening instability in the already volatile region.
Look at Charles Tayloris 1989 rebellionled by his National Patriotic Front (NPL).
Backed by Sierra Leone (Fodhay Sankoh); Bukina Faso (Blaise Campaore); Nigeria (Captain Tijani Babangida); Cote d’Ivore (Felix Houphert-Boigny) among others, the rebellion, whose fighters were trained by Libya, produced hardened guerrillas who caused unrest around the region.
It is the same thing in Kenya. Early this year, demonstrators in Al-Shabaab attire took to the streets in Nairobi demanding the release of controversial Jamaican Islamic cleric Abdul Al-Faisal' leading massive losses in property and several injured.
The Kenyan government should reassure on their ‘neutral’ stand on Somali crisis to foster peace not only in Kenya but the East African region at large

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