Saturday, November 27, 2010

Why Charles Taylor Deserves The Hague

Most African critics against ICC see it as neo-colonialist tool by the west to colonize Africa.

While speaking on Taylor’s warrant at AU headquarter Libya’s Muarmar Gaddaffi observed

“(ICC warrants) a practice of a new world terrorism, it’s not fair that a head of state should be arrested. If we allow such a thing (then) we should also try those who killed hundreds of thousands of children in Iraq and Gaza.” New African, May 2009

This comes from a man who being keen to interfere with pro-USA countries in the world trained Taylor’s 100 National Patriotic Front of Liberia (NPFL) guerilla’s from a score of West African countries: Sierra Leone, Nigeria, the Gambia and Ghana.

Other critics insist that Taylor was to face his 11 counts of indictments in Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) instead of Netherlands which was moved because it was believed Taylor still enjoyed support from the region which could have affected the course of justice.

These critics insist on Freetown because the indictment read in part “as he (Taylor) beared  the greatest responsibility for the war crimes and crimes against humanity in Sierra Leone between 30th November 1996 and 18th January 2002”

 In addition, the same critics said the case which started on 4th June 2007 is lopsided because after the prosecutor presented 91 witnesses, Taylor who started his defense on July last year lucks witnesses since his friends and associates are still under UN travel ban with their finances frozen.
The critics not withstanding Taylor is at ICC after Nigeria, were he retired to a sumptuous villa, bowed to International pressure after a warrant issued by the then chief Persecutor David Crane.

Not to lose hope the critics insists Crane was from US and Nigeria betrayed Taylor when he was arrested fleeing the country with laundered money.

Nigeria bent after Taylor was labeled a Pariah, had arms embargo, trade sanctions and ban on government officials.

Let’s us begin first by checking Charles Taylor’s rebellion at the end of 1986. A descendant of American slaves calling themselves Americo-Liberians, Taylor got his education from USA. He started rebellion against the weak American backed Samwel Doe who seized power on 12th April ’80 coup. America was the only country worldwide to support the October ’85 rigged elections which Doe ‘won’.

The rebellion was aided by Ivory Coast president Felix Houphert-Boigny whose son in law was killed by Doe. Together with Blaise Campaore of Burkina Faso who was related with Houphert-Boigny in marriage.

Firstly, Taylor’s misdeed was recruiting heavily from illiterate teenagers hell-bend on revenge from Doe as child soldiers. A notorious group, Butt Naked Brigade, fought naked in belief it protected them from live bullets. The world saw coverage of Child soldiers high on marijuana, sometimes carrying AK 47s and toys.

Taylor said:
“The NPFL came and we didn’t even have to act. People came to us and said: ‘give me a gun. How can I kill the man who killed my mother?’”

Taylor organized the orphans in ‘small boys unit’ before giving them rudimentary training in Kalashnikov lifestyle and turning them to psychopathic killers wrote the former Times Africa correspondent Martin Meredith in his book The State of Africa: A history of fifty years of Independence.

“Joining a militia group is both meal ticket and substitute education…..the AK47 brings food, money, a warm bath and instant adult respect.” Wrote Krijn Peters and Paul Richards on an essay “Why we Fight”; Voices of Youth combatants in Sierra Leone (1998) about children soldiers. “Underage irregulars fight without inhibition and kill without compassion, sometimes casually, sometimes as an extension of play.”

An American researcher, William Reno, estimated Taylor warlord economy to be $200 million apart from looted goods. This was at a time when Liberia was being crippled economically by war!

When Taylor’s attempted to capture Monrovia were thwarted he built a warlord commercial empire he called ‘Greater Liberia’. He cut a deal with American’s Firestone for rubber plantations; France bought timber from him while a British firm paid $100 million in three months to ship out iron ore. Taylor’s brother, Nelson netted $10 Million in three months from gold and diamond mining in south-west Liberia.

Blinded by greed Taylor’s bid to control Sierra Leone’s $300 million annual diamond traffic, and bauxite and titanium mines accounting for 60% of the country export, supported Fodhay Sankoh a man he called “Governor of Sierra Leone’ against President Joseph Momoh.

To control the fields child soldiers were used to maim dissidents and rape women into submission! By May 2000, over a period of eleven years of civil war 30,000 people died with 20,000 others mutilated.

Fodhay Sankoh’s end came when his rebel group Revolutionary United Front (RUF) seized 500 Kenyan and Zambian UN peacekeepers.

In retaliation civic groups organized a crowd of 30,000 people to march to Sankoh’s house forcing him to escape over the back wall dressed in woman’s clothing. He was captured ten days later, stripped and paraded naked in streets before being handed over to the government.

After all these misdeeds I know Taylor, and other dictators and war instigators like Sudan’s Omar El Bashir and Kenyan Post Election Violence perpetrators, need to go to ICC!

The criticism that the warrant was issued on June 2003 when Taylor was in Ghana with five former African presidents Thabo Mbeki (SA), Olesegun Obasanjo(Nigeria) Joachim Chisanno (Mozambique), Tejan Kabbah (Sierra Leone) and John Kufuor (Ghana) seeking peace is farfetched.

Even after 1500 lives were lost and 13 peace treaties ignored he only relented after fear of his action on region’s security made West Africa states to commissioned the ECOMOG (Economic Community of West Africa Sates monitoring Group) forcing elections on July 1977 on the 14th treaty!!

Not to be easily cowered Taylor flaunted his warlord credentials with a slogan:

“He killed my ma, he killed my pa, but I will vote for him.”

Liberians voted for the sake of peace. Needless to say his National Patriotic Party (NPP) won elections by 75% of the vote.

His effects are still felt in region with the arms embargo being recently lifted by UN Security Council at the end of last year.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maseno University launches 10 Wi-Fi hotspots

Maseno University VC Prof. Fredrick Onyango and students during the Wi-Fi launch
The Maseno University Vice Chancellor Prof Fredrick Onyango officially launched the 10 Wi-Fi hotspots in the university at the ICT open day on Saturday 6th last month.
The launch offers a new dawn of hope to face lift Maseno to the level of a IT world. The open day which kicked off at 10.00 a.m. Featured exhibitors and the VC farewell party which culminated into free lunch for all students.
The launch saw the Wi-Fi being used from the start of the semester with students browsing with wireless on the Maseno band width.
A total of nine exhibitors graced the function with companies like Compulynx, Equity Bank, Yu, Massatech and Microsoft East Africa gracing the event.
Opera varsity crew led other exhibitors from the university in showcaed the products.
“The introduction of the ICT will give the students an advantage in their students and research” Prof Onyango said during the launch attended by students, head of department and lectures at the graduation square. “Our students sell like hot cakes out there,” adds the proud VC.
The same advice was given by the chief guest at the function Mr. Mark Matunga who is the regional officer for Microsoft in East and southern Africa.
“Maseno university is a regional giant by providing IT , I challenge the students to embrace IT and the Wi-Fi to set the sky as the limit.” Mr. Matunga said advising students to emulate liberty icon Nelson Mandela who did much in a cubicle with little info at the cell in Robben Island.
The Wi-Fi has changed the face of the university with many students opting to use laptops cutting the cyber café off revenue. Most academic work is done online which has boast number of research obline for journals and video.
Speaking with The Informant from the SOMU exhibition stand Mr. Kivunja Mbaka, the student leader observed that the Wi-Fi will aid in online registration to be operational next semester. Students can also check their details online like work study and award s like Rattansi Trust.
“Students are encouraged to constantly check student tab at varsity website for what is on offer.” The chairman said.
Although  operational the 10 hotspots covering about 200 meters radius, they susceptible to interruption with poor connectivity while some areas are not reached. Parts of Equator hostels, Makerere, New Sunrise and Vet Farm are an example.
“The administration promised to increase connectivity points” Mr. Kvunja.
Mr. Felix Kimaru the president of Opera Crew said the connectivity problem is caused by the Wi-fi low band width. He advises the students to get free opera mini sioftware from the group to increase the web standard which always many users.
“Opera allows users to browse from different platforms faster  in best web standards reducing the jam on the network” he advises
The library will harness the Wi-Fi system by availing journals and soft copy books from online for students to have an all round reading.
The varsity band and Equator Fm broadcasting live from the event entertained the students as they took to the exhibition stand before the speech.
There was a light moment when the VC and the guest of honor joined the dance group of Maseno University.
The VC farewell speech which had undertone of humor of his decade at the helm of leadership glued the students before the VC lunch.

Students trooped to the Siriba campus mess for a plate of rice, beef, egg stew and a bottle of soda.
As students jostled for their meal, the social networks like Facebook and Twitter was used to alert the student in their room or in Kisumu.
The RFSL guards helped to man the students with students dipping their hands in the ink to avoid a double take. The plates of unfinished meals lying around attracted mongrels and children from Mabungo and Nyawita who took care of the leftovers.

Co-Authored by Antony Kaguta

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Prof William Ochieng Take on Hon William Ruto's comment on Science and Arts

Former Education Minister Hon. William Ruto
Question:  What is your reaction on the former education minister William Ruto that only science courses should be funded by the government to realize vision 2030?
Prof. Ochieng’: Well, Ruto was just speaking his personal sentiments and not that of the government of Kenya. Hon. Ruto’s opinion wasn’t even that of the Ministry of Higher Education because the cabinet didn’t meet anywhere to pass the motion.
And for someone who doesn’t understand the history of education it is possible for him to make such remarks.

Q: Is Ruto justified in his opinion that government should only release grants for research in scientific fields?
A: The Government collects tax from parents with children in the Universities in both sciences and arts including professionals in those faculties, by giving grants to one faculty alone that will not represent the population who all pay taxes.

Q: What is your comment on the perception among college students that there is ready employment in sciences than arts courses?
A: That doesn’t hold water, unemployment cut across the entire faculties since there are many jobless scientists in the job market as well.

Q: Can science work alone in attaining vision 2030 and millennium Developments Goals (MDGs )in the country?
A: First, development can never be channeled in one direction. Physicists, atomic scientists will need social scientists like historians, lawyers and journalists in formulating policies since their innovations will have social implications that they must understand very well.

Secondly, and most importantly for the scientists to channel their  input to better the society they will need social aspect to unwind and here is where musicians and thespians come in handy, so they will just have to work together.

Q:  Comment on the notion that science is better that arts which has been brought by the debate.
A: That’s  quite a broad question you ask, Arts started in earlier Greek and Roman civilization before science with fields like philosophy, politics, sociology and drama being studied then.

Arts was predominant from the 9th even to 11th century in Great Britain’s Sahara University and  most western universities, it is only until industrial revolution begun in the eighteenth century that sciences emerged.

In additions, this misleading concept leads most colleges and universities which started on a strong science footing reversing to arts! Moi and JKUAT realized this. This view is held globally for even prestigious science institution like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that has incorporated arts.
In Moi University it was noted that arts and social sciences were needed to make the students and even the lecturers cope effectively in their professional fields, that’s why in 1991 Prof. Serem and I as the first principal started Maseno University as an arts institution it later welcomed science courses. 

Q: From your own perspective are arts and social sciences given the required attention in how they are taught?
A: None, first of all it must be noted that it is the faculty of education which is the biggest in all the institutions that teach it in Kenya. So big is it that it has triggered the acquisition of teaching colleges. And the number of students that are left to one lecturer per course is quite overwhelming more so the common courses. This has led to poor quality of education in our institutions of learning because less time is spent in tutoring the mass of students.

Excerpt from interview with Prof. William Ochieng’ of the History & Archeology Department, Maseno University
Co-interviewed with Moturi Enock

Friday, November 12, 2010

Maseno University Vice Chancellor Prof. Fredrick Onyango calls it quit after a decade

The VC.
“This  perhaps will be the last time I speak to you, I told the senate and the council that there will be no more 5 years, bye” this is how The Maseno University VC Prof. Onyango bid farewell to students, departmental heads,  lecturers and exhibitors. This was on Saturday 6th November 2010 during the ICT open day at the graduation square.
“I run Maseno with efficiency and speed to bring it to its current status of respect, now I step aside for someone else who will be in by 1st February next year” the VC said.
In his speech that highlighted a decade as the head of Maseno University Prof. Onyango remembered that the former president his Excellency Daniel Arap Moi while meeting Japanese delegates told him of his appointment, an offer he took lightly until he got an official letter.
Prior to his appointment he was the deputy VC at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, JKUAT for 4 years after serving as a principal for 7 years at University of Nairobi.
“When I arrived Maseno was a university college for 11 years, it is sound management that gave the impetus for it to be a university recognized not only in Kenya but worldwide” He read in his speech.
He found salaries were overdue with Maseno staggering with a debt of Ksh. 200 million. The first thing he did was having an audit report to check the financial loopholes. Although some members of the staff went against the audit it provided checks and balance on accounts
“Although I have a hard face, my heart is soft for efficiency and accountability” The VC said in a diplomatic twist.
He proudly said that the establishment of the Varsity School of Medicine to be open next academic year came along way from a two bed hospital. Construction for the school is underway with the expansion of the hospital which now caters for students and locals.
He said through a US medical professor he acquired ARV long before they come to Kenya “This helped curb HIV/AIDS menace in the country”
The Entrepreneur
With Maseno having only College and Siriba campuses he realized the only way to cut the huge debt and increase the income for expansion was through entrepreneurship.
This saw Maseno buy the Varsity plaza and Hotel Royale in Kisumu City as a source of income. The hotel which was bought for Ksh. 82 million was renovated and re-habilitated to Kisumu Hotel.
This income and others from activities like sustainable farming helped rehabilitated the Kilimanjaro Hostel, built New Sunrise and Vet Farm hostels with the former being for self catering.
The university too went on to open campuses in Kisumu, Homa Bay and Nairobi.
“Kisumu was the only city without a university making our varsity plaza to serve residents and the West Kenya region” VC said filling the demand was beneficial.
The only university under the Equator with IT
Perhaps the VC’s most outstanding record in the decade is making Maseno University to provide undergraduate degrees with IT. It is the only university in the country with the offer making students branch in many job offers like banking.
Most distracters brushed him as being too ambitious and wondering about the funding.
“I envisioned Maseno producing all rounded students with IT to increase their job market chances and be abreast with technology” He said that the erstwhile distracterss were belated on the benefits.
The next graduation will produce the second lot of IT students.
This passion made the Professor have his farewell speech during the university ICT open day where he official launched the10 Wi-Fi hotspots across the Siriba and College campus.
The open day attracted exhibitors like Microsoft East Africa, Orange, YU, Equity Bank, Opera Crew, Compulynx and Massatech amongst others.
The chief guest was Mr. Mark Matunga an officer with Microsoft Eastern and Southern Africa. He congratulated the VC on his IT policy in the university.
Prof Onyango lauded former minister and MP of Rarieda MP Raphael Tuju who offered Ksh. 3 million and resources to help built the tuition block in Siriba campus which has the computer department, computer labs and 6 lecture halls.

Hon Tuju helped the university acquire its first 100 computers.

As the VC for a decade the Professor’s attracted a share of controversy by his stand of speaking his mind and being meticulous in leadership.
“I don’t have time to gossip, I was never raise to be a gossiper I just tell one my mind no matter the outcome” he said amid rapture from the audience.
His hard face, soft heart stance made students, staffs and colleagues find two conflicting persons. As some dread and avoid him at all cost some people find him amicable.
The acquisition of the Kisumu Hotel brought controversy when in reacting to rumors auditors found the value to be 14M more at 96M. Government auditors, parliament and a section of the press wanted the overdue money be refunded in stamp duty.
He narrates how the auditors ended up checking his rural home; he showed them that he offered consultancies to organizations like UN.
In a streak of defiance he says “when they found nothing I told them to go to rumor mongers for the stamps since I didn’t call for their services as auditors”

The second controversy saw the 360 room New Sunrise hostels be named Tsunami when fire gutted a block down.   A section of press called the new hostel a death bed not seeing the room shortage they averted.
The hostel construction makes the university provide housing to both JAB and parallel students at first come first serve basis while some Varsities only offer housing to JAB students.
In another case the parliament was involved when Hon. Tuju and the VC were accused of embezzling funds. What was not said is that the first World Bank construction of the computer project was mismanaged.
Hon. Tuju stopped the funding although his initiative was a success.
The last controversy almost caused the Prof. Fredrick Onyango’s life.
“Me together with some senior Profs went on tour to check the building of the Vet Farm before some vagabonds armed with pangas and spears, and with privy knowledge of our visit came and surrounded us” the scholar recalled how their lives were at risk.

What saved them was a security personnel who shot into the air and sacred off the attackers.
The conflict on ownership of the land made the Emuhaya MP Wilberforce Ottichilo to accuse him in parliament of building ‘a Berlin wall.’
“This never stopped the construction as the title deed shows that the land belongs to Maseno University” he says with finality.
In his final word the Professor challenges the VCs and their deputies to start a kitty for needy students. He challenges the Higher Education Loans Board, HELB to change to a student bank with students tailored products to increase services.
He advises defaulters of HELB to pay up to help more needy students.

The event and farewell culminated with the Vice Chancellor’s lunch for all students.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Review: Microsoft Windows Multi-Point Server 2010: The new learning experience

The Microsoft East Africa is introducing the new Windows Multi-Point Server 2010 in the region which will enable 1 Central Processing Unit, CPU to serve up to 16 stations.
This will depend on the CPU processor speed, storage capacity and Random Access Memory, RAM amongst other features.
During an ICT open day at Maseno University in Kenya on Saturday 6th November 2010, the company introduced the server to students and the institution as a cheap and interactive way of learning with increased portal as compared to the current one student per computer basis.
“What one will require is a CPU where up to 16 monitors with mouse will use it independently by having accounts and share data” said Mr. Charles Sakari an officer with Microsoft.
Once installed in the host computer the new software will be used in every station regardless of whether MS office programs or other educational application are used. This will empower educators, engage students and make learning personal.
MS has partnered with two software companies to make the innovation a success. The Net Support will provide the software of projecting notes and journals online for students to write and share while DesignMet  from India offers 3D animation especially for mathematical and science courses.
Apart from the ease of each student to share files and folders in their private accounts, the teacher can easily monitor the 'class’ by dropping files from library to public documents for students, easily manage students’ accounts by seeing their connectivity and what they do!
Lastly through the MS Windows Update you can put the system up to date with support from authorized partners.
The new server will help realize the ICT dreams in Kenyan Vision 2030 and Millennium Development Goals by reducing the cost of acquiring computer hardware while reducing maintenance fee and it is compatible to any Operating System, OS.
“The only disadvantage is that when the server breaks down the system stops” observed Mr. Sakari but he adds that “the brighter side is that only one CPU will be maintained”
Currently MS East Africa provides the server with seven full Hewlett Packard computers at a cost of Ksh. 200,000.
The regional MS officer for East and Southern Africa Mr. Mark Matunga who was the guest of honor said the company will spearhead the universities and colleges in the region to acquire the server.

Maseno University acquires a Multi-Million library

Maseno University monument.
Maseno University is set to acquire an ultra modern library in next academic year at a cost of over Ksh. 300 Million. The project situated next to the millennium complex started serious construction on the 15th July this year and will be due on August next year before the varsity re-opens.
Currently the four libraries; Graduate Studies, College, Resource Center and Science only hold about 500 students at one sitting causing scarcity for reading space forcing students to study on the fields especially during the exams.
“The current libraries can’t hold the increasing number of students together with the future introduction of courses like the school of medicine making the new library to be ideal” said Mr. Peter Otieno a senior librarian.
The new library complex will cover 6,000 square meters and be double storied complete with a parking lot with a capacity to hold 200 cars. Mr. Stephen Okanda, the overall site agent told The Informant that the new library will reach international standards.
The ground floor will cater for long distance and open studies as announced by the Ministry of Higher Education while the two upper floors will be open spaces for learning with a capacity to cater for over 3,500 students in one sitting.
With stairs and rumps built for handicaps the ultra modern library will offer a comfortable and conducive learning environment by building carrels for privacy unlike the open tables which distract learning.
Additionally students and scholars will benefit in research and academy by free internet connection points, fire walls and electronic systems of offering library services.
“Not only will books and journals be issued electronically but students will do their research and studies directly online and connect to the world” said Mr. Otieno the librarian.
Her added that the current eight computers in the Resource Center and several in  Graduate library don’t cater to students need although the library department has copyright from over 30 publishers in their portals complete with user’s ID and passwords.
The brochure from the college library has the world renowned online publishers like Emerald Access, JSTOR, Oxford University Press, Project Muse and Cambridge University Press amongst others which most students can’t use right now.
A visit to the site found that the library will contain electronic checking of books and full CCTV coverage with the ground floor specifically used for open learning with digitized lecturer rooms for video conferencing between lecturers and students across the network.
The director of E-Learning in the university Ms Betty Ogange said the current the current e-learning portal on the varsity website has been used to train lecturers and selected students from the faculty of science.
Ms Ogange said that the ground floor will be used to lecturer 25 courses yet to be offered once passed by the senate.
The electronic system will involve library volumes given bar codes where students will check in and out using bar code readers and have their details electronically saving time and reducing the number of personnel’s involved in issuing books.
“The Varsity students will enjoy advanced electronic system which will not only have unique standards in Kenya but beyond” Mr. Otieno sheds light.
The varsity has over 20,000 volumes in the four varsity libraries which in the electronic system will make it easier to search for books.
The university will train the current 16 staff on running the new library with more personnel and technician expected to be hired.
The library will not only benefit students but also scholars from the West Kenya region doing their research and studies.

Kenyan courts should help fight corruption

The Nairobi Law Courts
With the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) implications on corruption in Kenya, the courts and the judiciary is turning out as a powerful tool to deliver Kenyans from the yoke of corruption.
The KACC should be lauded for making the top elite fish to answer corruption charges before the courts. The momentum which saw cabinet ministers Moses Wetangula and William Ruto step aside, together with Nairobi mayor Goephrey Majiwa need to keep the fire burning to bring the guilty to book. Other government officials are to meet the charges.
I hope the vetting of judges and the over haul in judiciary as stipulated by the constitution will help Kenyans to have faith in this process, as they have been turned into merry go round in piling cases.
Patrick Lumumba, the chair of KACC has stirred the tackling of corruption throughout the country like the seizure of six containers in Mombasa port which busted a corruption ring. Such cases need to be investigated   thoroughly to help the accused answer at the court with little delays.
Lastly the court system should be through to have cases being put aside because they seem ‘old’ this will help reclaim lost public property like the high court ruling that repossess the public land given by president Moi in May 7th 1987 in Eldoret.

The Bata Sales lie

The current offer by Bata shoe chains for a 30% off discount on sales of it shoes in not effected in some chains. An advert recently appeared on the press prolonging the promotion to 10th this month.
As school going kid growing up, the Bata brand was the favorite brand building loyalty for their long lasting shoes, but sadly some depots want to erode this loyalty.
I realized the hitch when I went to buy Sandak sandals in the outlets in Kisumu city. The two chains I visited in the Oginga Odinga street dint comply with the offer. The sandals were varied with on costing Ksh. 189 and the other Ksh. 199; there wasn’t any 30% offer. I left wondering if it was on selected brands. Should the shoes have the same price countrywide?
Not only have I experienced this in Kisumu but also in Mombasa where discount in price advertised nationally are not affected. I always know because my favorite brand, Safari boots always has the constant price.
The Bata Company should be rigorous in checking the discount offers are enforced with price tags clearly showing the cut in price instead of banners advertising a mirage to customers.
This independence business people hungry for profit are doing the Bata brand injustice by driving loyal customers away.

UN Report; Governments need to play more roles in combating poverty, inequality

I read with interest Lansan Gberie correspondence on the UN report Combating poverty and inequality; structure change, social policy and politics in this week's The EastAfrican.
The suggestion to governments to act fully on trampling inequality was brought b the Roman empire bid ti substitute food and education which brought a 80 years tranquility to the empire. This can be replicated by governments not only to attain poverty reduction in the Millenium Deveolpment Goals (MDG) but avoid skirmishes brought by inequality.
The current poverty reduction policies like Aids commissioning and G8 strategic papers overlooks the state intervention by anticipating the ‘tickle down effect’ of wealth to percolate to the poor.
This has been ineffective making the need for job creation in open remuneration, social policies in tandem with social cohesion and lastly to upload civic rights as done by governments to be ideal.
These three easy strategies will alleviate inequality which will reduce many social ailments on today’s society like poverty, illiteracy, soaring crime rate, unemployment, disease outbreak, famine amongst others.
Without equality, rights and justice there will be no peace making achieving MDGs to a mirage, a fleeting moment which we will fruitlessly try to grasp.
The just concluded US midterm elections was determined by inequity with the same  strikes and demonstrations felt in Britain, France, Mozambique and South Africa amongst others which flared up violently and with astonishing frequency.
To bring the picture closer home to East Africa, the town clerk of Nairobi city (urban are most prone to inequity) Philip Kisia gave a slur that parking in the CBD was for people who could afford the increase of Ksh. 300 from 140.
I was dumbfounded, not about the slur, but I remember my stint in Mombasa engineering company where I used to earn Ksh. 300 per day. Now talking about inequality, some of my workmates in this unreliable job had a family depending on the meager pay!