Sunday, November 7, 2010

Kenyan courts should help fight corruption

The Nairobi Law Courts
With the Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) implications on corruption in Kenya, the courts and the judiciary is turning out as a powerful tool to deliver Kenyans from the yoke of corruption.
The KACC should be lauded for making the top elite fish to answer corruption charges before the courts. The momentum which saw cabinet ministers Moses Wetangula and William Ruto step aside, together with Nairobi mayor Goephrey Majiwa need to keep the fire burning to bring the guilty to book. Other government officials are to meet the charges.
I hope the vetting of judges and the over haul in judiciary as stipulated by the constitution will help Kenyans to have faith in this process, as they have been turned into merry go round in piling cases.
Patrick Lumumba, the chair of KACC has stirred the tackling of corruption throughout the country like the seizure of six containers in Mombasa port which busted a corruption ring. Such cases need to be investigated   thoroughly to help the accused answer at the court with little delays.
Lastly the court system should be through to have cases being put aside because they seem ‘old’ this will help reclaim lost public property like the high court ruling that repossess the public land given by president Moi in May 7th 1987 in Eldoret.

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