Unmasking The Naked Face.
TITLE: The Naked FaceAUTHOR: Sidney Sheldon
PUBLISHER: Pan Books, 1970
PAGES: 222
GENRE: Fiction
REVIEWER: Manuel Odeny
Psychoanalyst, Dr. Judd Stevens working in New York city have his client and secretary executed by a murderer(s) searching for information they think and believe the doctor has. A very important information.
As a psychoanalyst Judd sees a client with a dark secret need by the executioners. According to psychiatry a person's naked face is well hidden from childhood. We learn to hide emotions and feelings from a tender age and wear a mask to hide our emotions. We face the world with a naked face.
It is only when the mask is removed that a person's true emotions is evident.

Dr. Judd client and the Mafia believe their top secret is out when the wife ever hears them talk of killing a rival.
Sheldon wrote the book at twenty four years. Among his first novels are: The other Side of Midnight, A Stranger in the Mirror, Bloodline and Rage of Angels.
The Naked Face is intriguing and the suspense is griping as Dr. Judd Stevens accused of the murder by the police goes about to unmask the naked face of the Murderers.
This book is being sold everywhere with a lie-- that it is written by Sheldon. The author is Tilly Bagshawe. Having said that, it is a decent read, but I was disappointed by the end. It leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth.