Thursday, February 3, 2011

Root of Kenyan Tribal Politics

Seen from Post Election Violence with root in tribal politics

Sadly, Kenyan politics has primordial ethnic base often degrading into atavistic squabbles. Even the first Kenyan African legislature had the tendency; Jaramogi and Mboya (Luo), Kenyattaa (Kikuyu), Paul Ngei (Kamba), Masinde Muliro (Luhya), Ronald Ngala (Coast), Jeremiah Nyagah (Embu), chief Nyandusi (Kisii) and Moi (Kalenjin).

Kiraitu Murungi, a Kenyan politician in book Ethnicity and Multi-Partyism in Kenya succinctly notes:
‘We cannot pretend that ethnicity is not an important factor in Kenyan politics. It is part of our historical and social reality’

The old guards interestingly passed the mantle to their sons; Raila Odinga, Uhuru Kenyattaa, Gideon Moi, Musalia Mudavadi, Michael Wamalwa, Katana Ngala, Simeon Nyachae, Joseph and Norman Nyagah amongst others.

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