Saturday, June 23, 2012

Kirinyaga woman openly lauds her rapists By Wilson Murimi

A lady made a hilarious exhibition when she overtly acclaimed her rapists, terming them as the most proficient men she had ever witnessed since her husband’s death.
The widow, who sells vegetables on the Muthece market of Kirinyaga County and who is known to operate her business only in the evening, made the shocking revelation, terming the perceivably fateful day as a godsend which she had awaited for ages.
She even went on to say that she envied her colleagues who devoured honey on a daily basis, while she had to contend with her interminable crave since the death of her husband.
Her recount particularly evoked thunderous laughter when she certified her rapists’ skill as the only true match of her late husband’s stamina.
Waylaid in coffee bush
The rapists, whom she alleged had waylaid her in a coffee bush on her way home, reportedly accosted her and dragged her into the bush and carried out the contemptible act, but which she says she will live to recount.

“Ngumwira ndirathiururukagio uu nou, nii ndire ndaigua wega uguo kuma muthuri wakwa akua (I was turned over and over. I have never felt that good since my husband died),” said the woman sensationalizing her description with facetious dramatization.
The shocking account riveted many listeners most of who were her regular evening customers. The attentive audience occasionally told her to repeat some of the scenes, which she instantly did with great enthusiasm.
Lady running the show
While none of her engrossed audience made any attempt to stop her from divulging  her great exhilaration, her business rivals, most of who were angered by the inexplicably large number of customers she had attracted, openly decried her ‘open lack of manners’.

Icio ni ndetu iriku urahiana na kwina ciana? (what sorts of stories are you narrating even among children?)” decried one rival. The outspoken lady, however, booed her detractors with an open rhetoric that the account may have been no news to the present teenagers.
Asked to disclose who her rapists were, she simply said she never marked any of their faces since she was so elated by the action to care about to discern them during the action.
While some blushed off the story as facetious, a rumour later circulated that an alcoholic duo had conducted the ordeal and had been avoiding her for fear that she would shame them. She had however openly pledged a reward to her anonymous supermen, whom she had nicknamed ‘Machineries’.

1 comment:

  1. i think the kirinyaga woman as shown above is one of the few that you can in kirinyaga majority of them are coffee tea rice and farmers and the dont look like that
