Monday, June 4, 2012

Synopsis: Miguna Miguna to release book on Raila on mid next month

Miguna Miguna the former adviser on coalition government to Kenyan PM Raila Odinga is set to release his book Peeling Back the Mask in the next 40 days. The 584 pages book to be published on 15/07/2012 by Gilgamesh Publishing on hardcover is set to retail locally in Kenya for about Sh3,400.
Here is the synopsis:
On August 4th 2011 the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya, Raila Odinga, announced, through the local Kenyan media, that he had suspended Miguna Miguna indefinitely without pay as his senior adviser.
In his explosive new memoirs, Peeling Back the Mask, Miguna Miguna explains why he rejected the Prime Minister's subsequent offer of reinstatement and exposes Mr Odinga's lack-lustre leadership questioning his progressive credentials and claim that he is an agent of change.
Peeling Back the Mask presents a true insider's account of the intrigues, discussions and power plays that have occurred in Kenya's corridors of power in recent years. This is a must read for everyone interested in social justice and good governance in Africa.
Peeling Back the Mask also delves back to tell the remarkable tale of Miguna's early life, from humble origins, through privations and hardship, his university days and his years as a practicing lawyer overseas. A heartwarmingly personal African story.

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