Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Press Release: Raila's Office Response to Miguna Miguna:

Kenyans have been treated for quite some time to all sorts of demonization and unfounded allegations against the Prime Minister, as part of a desperate campaign by his political opponents to undercut his undisputed popularity and prevent his coming to power.
The opponents fear that his commitment to reform would seriously challenge impunity as well as their long hold on power.
These anti-reformers have quite brazenly announced their commitment to the status quo by declaring their common goal is "Anyone but Raila." As part of this campaign, Mr. Miguna Miguna's new book recycles past unsubstantiated allegations all these corruption calumnies against the Prime Minister, without offering a shred of evidence that could shed any new light.
His allegations do not deserve a response, and should be treated with contempt. If there was any evidence to back up the campaign against Mr. Odinga, his opponents- many of them powerful figures, unlike Mr. Miguna - would have long ago produced such proof to scuttle his presidential campaign.
But Mr. Miguna went one step beyond regurgitating these falsehoods in his book, and announced that he had evidence that implicates the Prime Minister in post-election violence, whose suspected architects are being prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.
Mr. Miguna uses possession of this evidence to threaten and blackmail those who might seek to challenge him, telling them they should "kiss his feet" if they do not want him to reveal all.
Mr. Miguna's withholding such vital information from the authorities on a subject of such grave concern for Kenyans is a disservice to the nation and a further boon to entrenching impunity.
No less important, withholding evidence of a major felony, leave alone of mass murder which rose to the level of international crimes, is a violation of the laws of Kenya. Such silence is considered as abetting the original crime.
Mr. Miguna, while claiming to be motivated only by the highest moral and ethical principles, is in fact obstructing justice in a case of immense national importance.

We know from Mr. Miguna's own assertions that he took no action to expose or report to the authorities the corrupt criminality he claims he saw in the Prime Minister's Office. Nor did he try to preserve his integrity by resigning, choosing to become the "whistleblower" AFTER he was suspended.

Kenyans must demand that Mr. Miguna back up his latest assertion that he has evidence concerning mass violence by disclosing what he knows.

Dennis Onyango,
Spokesman to the Prime Minster
July 16, 2012.

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