Saturday, October 6, 2012

I only have one wife- Machage

Kuria Member of Parliament and Roads Assistant Minister Dr Wilfred Machage has said he has only one wife and hasn’t divorced her as claimed in a section of the media.

Machage who was speaking when he hosted Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka in his back yard during his two day campaign which ended on Friday termed the allegations as false and planted by his political adversaries.

“I have only one wife and I have not divorced her for anybody and the unfounded claims are set to tarnish my name by detractors,” Machage said during a rally at Kegonga area in Kuria.

During the visit by the VP, Machage’s wife was at their rural home to welcome the visitors.

Machage’s statement comes after it was written online that he had divorced his wife and is planning to marry former Royal Media Services reporter Angela Boke who now works for a local NGO in Migori County.

Machage added that Kenyans should not pay attention to the claims which are un-founded and lack credibility as he only has one wife saying his political detratcors might have instigated the rumours.

Locals say the claim has been politically instigated as Boke is the sister of Dennitah Ghati a Women Representative aspirant in Migori County on an ODM ticket and is set to tarnish her image and Machage’s reputation among electorates.

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