Saturday, November 24, 2012

Winfred Lichuma, Gender Commission chairperson supports Marriage Bill 2012

Wilfred Lichuma
The chairperson of the newly formed National Gender and Equality Commission Winfred Lichuma has supported the Marriage Bill 2012 calling it a positive direction to level the ground for matrimonial engagement.

Lichuma says bill will radically shape the family institution once parliament passes it. She added the bill will secure and define rights of spouses in the context of marriage institution saying the.

“With the proposed law victims will have a recourse backed by law to enable them settle in an environment that is safe, hospital and nurturing,” Lichuma said in a speech read by the commission’s CEO Rose Odhiambo.

“I urge all Kenyans engaging in public debate over the bill to do so with sobriety and I urge MPs to pass the law which is good for us all,”Lichuma added.

Sharing the same sentiments Odhiambo said the call to remove dowry in marriage is positive as it’s blamed for cattle rustling and gender violence as women are equated to property.

The commissioners called on civic bodies and the public to be involved in sensitization programs to read the new constitution which secures gender and equality rights for youths, persons with disabilities, minority and marginalized groups.

“All Kenyans irrespective of their gender, age, tribe and sex should be treated with human dignity as stipulated in the constitution,” Odhiambo said.

The commissioners was addressing residents, public administrators, police officers, paralegals and women at a local hotel in Migori town during the launch of baseline report Elusive Justice: Women’s Experience in the formal and informal justice systems that was carried out in Migori county.

The research was carried out by Foundation for Women’s Rights in Kenya (FWRK).

© Manuel Odeny, 2012

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