Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23 Hectares Afforestation in Migori district.

The pine forest was salvaged from dying up since it was past the 25 years maturity and to reduce to fire outbreaks
 About 100 residents of Migori district are benefitting from an ongoing 23 hectares afforestation of hills started about a year ago.

The residents work as casual laborers and forest guards in planting the Cyprus and eucalyptus seedlings in three phases. The seedlings are to replace the pine forest harvested by the government in 2007.

“The pine forest was salvaged from dying up since it was past the 25 years maturity and to reduce to fire outbreaks.” Said Mr. Mathews Ogutu the district forest officer.

Mr. Ogutu added that Cyprus and eucalyptus species are in high demand due to their fast maturity and planting in phases will avoid the hills being bear during harvesting as in current case.

Due to the proximity of forest to Migori town seven guards will be employed to curb deforestation due to high pressure of land.

Alliance On, a tobacco firm partners with the government by providing seedlings and laborers since forest cover increase carbon variety in tobacco.

(27/02/10. The article was written for Kenyan News Agency while I was a volunteer intern.)

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