Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Male Circumcision in Nyanza, an illusion to curb HIV/AIDS?

More than 1,500 have been circumcised in Migori district in free government initiative started four months ago. The number is expected to increase when schools close for the first term holidays.
Male circumcision gained prominence after the call by Prime Minister Raila Odinga call for males from the Luo community to undergo the cut. Culturally the Luo don’t circumcise their males as a right of passage.

The fever was too created by the University of Nairobi and Illinois indicating that circumcised males are at 60% reduced risk of STI and HIV infection.

According to the study special cells that easily attract HIV on the foreskin are removed making the glans be thicker and tougher. This reduces bruises during sexual intercourses minimizing HIV infection.

Mr. Joshua Were, the counselor at Migori district hospital told KNA the hospital performs mobile field events in the three sub-district hospitals to cater for the surge of clients and the number expected during the holiday.

The men are appalled by the voluntary medical circumcision because it roughly takes 2 hours to administer. Firstly initiates and their family are counseled and educated on sexual and reproductive health for an hour where they go for a 30 minutes surgery and another equal minute rest afterwards.

An initiate must be at least 10 years old. Dan Onyango, 15, a primary school student in Migori township said he asked for permission from the school authority to attend the circumcision.

Accompanied by his mother, master Onyango said his class mates informed him that the practice was free at the district hospital.

Mr. Were said the initiates should bath three days after initiation and wash the wound with warm salty water to avoid complication on the wound.

(27/02/09. The article was written while a volunteer intern in Migori Kenya News Agency.)

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