Sunday, February 21, 2010

Kibaki and Raila Tussle: When two Elephants Fight…….


Koffi Annan claps as Mwai Kibaki and Raila Odinga shake hands after the disputed 2007 elections
It was a fabulous valentine for me. 2010 lovers’ day was a fantastic day. My investing of time and money to a cause to aid an orphanage with destitute children affected and infected by HIV/AIDS was paying of.

As the Maseno University organizing secretary of the Red Cross society I was putting the final touches of preparation. That is when the SMS alert from VOA alerted me.

The first was about Kenyan president Mwai Kibaki telling 8 key government officials to stand aside for investigation of missing funds of free primary education and the lost maize.
The second proclaimed that agriculture minister William Ruto and education minister (no Prof.) Sam Ongeri. This was to pave way for what Raila termed as ‘free and transparent investigation’. Whatever that means

When I broke the news to my fellow volunteers there was jubilation. The country was pissed off by corrupt government and failed persecution of kingpins.

We hugged happily and lauded the move. That was until three hours later when the state house revoked the move.

Within a short period the country was caught in a frenzy of speculation. The two principals locked horns and the effect was crazy on Kenyans.

Journalists, bloggers, tweeters and facebook were a buzz with what was happening. That is except yours truly The Burning Splint.

I was trying to grapple with reality and seize the story through the media. I lost track. It was the time again as it has been for he last 27 years for a piece of article called constitution to be interpreted,

With politicians most willing to hear themselve talk, the constitution will be interpreted in anyway that suit their interests at the expense of Kenyans.

An African adage goes that when two elephants fight it is the grass that suffers.

When some idiots in a name of Electoral Commission of Kenya (now disbanded) could not count the votes the countries went in fire. In the name of two elephants, Raila and Kibaki is, over 1,500 Kenyans lost their lives. A score of others are still in IDP camps.

Raila silently advised Caroli Omondi and Mohammed Isahakia key officers in Prime Minister Office involved in the maize scandal to step aside. Feeling invisible Raila quoted the national accord and the constitution as giving him power to supervise ministe

And then before you can say PriceWaterHouseCoopers report he flew to Japan.
It took the intervention of outsiders to bring semblance of peace in the country. By making the country go back to where it was: sitting tight and look for calmness as the thieves fleece the country.

They take food from the poor mans mouth. Two academicians not worth to be called professor in charge of ministry of education can’t account for lost money. As donors are pulling out the government promise to look for taxpayers’ money to repay them without accounting for the lost money.

These are some episodes which give me the heart not to go for the voter’s card.

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