Friday, October 1, 2010

How to have a peaceful retirement..

The success of retirement in transition with work and recreation needs serious consideration for it affects a retirees life directly
 Work, recreation and retirement always go together like hand to a glove. When work is boring, recreation brings refreshment which makes retirement enjoyable.

This negativity of work must have originated with the fall of man in the garden of Aden. Adam and Eve were condemned to toil and suffer in order to eat. But this should not be the case since even in school there is transition between work and recreation.

The success of retirement in transition with work and recreation needs serious consideration for it affects a retirees life directly. Because retirement means loss of some regular income, current residence and acquaintances. Recreation needs to ease the absence of friendships of workmates.

To avoid retirement disruption researchers advice the retiree to analyse the following aspects of their life:

Work Assessment, At retirement challenges of meeting job demands is brought by reduced physical stamina, visual impaired and even dementia. So how well is a would be retire fitting in his current job? Some jobs require one shills even in old age but when this skills are limited due to old age then one should voluntarily opt for retirement.

Choice, Making the choice of working or retirement is hard. Often the worker don’t understand retirement in the light of opportunities beyond the work setting. This misconception according to researchers is overcome by choices inspired by retirees, especially friends, for possible emotional support.

Finances, How will retirement affect your finances? After competitive employement the reduced take-home salary affects the ability of retiree to live independently. This income change drastically affects individual's lifestyle which may lead to medical disorders like depression. This has caused many retirees to their deathbeds within a very short time.

Social Relationship, Will retirement affect the retirees social support network? In Kenya most retiree prefer rural areas in search for seek, here one may join church or school boards this ease boredom by increasing physical activity.
This social support reduces stress, decrease physical problems and enhanced mental health by giving life quality.

Leisure and Recreation Activities, With more free time a retiree could pursue activities that were constraint with time. The easy step is developing leisure one like in line with talent. Consider learning to play a music instrument, joining the local church choir or even volunteering.

Lastly, with light of above the decision to continue to work should not be hindered by retirement. Physical leisure activity may increase during retirement because retirees are more likely to increase their societal participation by becoming useful members to their societies. Remember the worst enemy for retirement is the surrender of hope!

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