Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to Search the Internet for Scholarship and Grants.

With the power to connect to the world at a mouse click away, internet has become a bastion of information.

With advancement in internet technology like the use of fiber optics, students, scholars or workers who need to further their studies and research should turn online for scholarships and grants.

With the right steps students and scholars can stay updated with awards in their field of study and minimize wasting time in surfing through the net by following these tips:

Write down your Curriculum Vitae (C.V); all scholarship and grants always call the applicant to submit their detailed resume showing their interests, strength and weaknesses.  The organizations offering the scholarship need your CV to have your details in a nutshell.

Having a good CV before hand and tailored to the specific qualifications will avoid it being trashed away and give you a guideline to what you are looking for.

Scholarship and grant from colleges; this is often overlooked by most students already in the college or yet to join. The internet has replaced notice boards announcements to posting awards on the department’s portal of the college websites.

Apart from being secure, their is an upper hand to follow up results and further questions at the department.

Checking relevant websites; With several thousand scholarship announcements online, the best way to stay abreast is by joining the mailing list and visiting purely scholarship sites like Scholarship Positions and Scholarship World.

These sites offer a forum for organizations and foundations like UN, Bill Gates, and Erasmus Mundu amongst others to advertise their award with direct links. Students easily search these engines by either their region or field of study.

Double check the source; the internet gospel preaches that fraudsters follow where people go. Prospecting students and scholars need to double check the funding offer from the official website and even call if need be.

Often mails requesting payments for information, your passwords and secret account details need to be avoided. Most scholarship and grant foundations pay for their own processing funds and don’t require students to pay a fee for consideration.

Apply to many foundations; awarding scholarship is always competitive, like job hunting students and scholars should not be satisfied by only one prospect.

Many applications increase your chance of success and ensure that your academic and research finances are easily met.

Testimonials; interacting with beneficiaries of scholarships and grants will help one gain insight on ways of easily getting awards and avoiding pitfalls and delays. Worth to note is that testimonials always authenticate the organization foundation credibility.

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