Friday, October 1, 2010

Somalia Pm Resigns, Presidents’ pleas to UN: The World needs to Act

Al Shabaab fighters in Somalia, they are a security risk to the Horn of Africa
 Somalia president Sheikh Sharif Ahmed plea for more international support to help root out insurgents in his country clearly shows fears of radical islamists not only in Somalia but also globally. Speaking at the 65th UN council meeting in New York observed the threat in the region which also forced local leaders like Kenyan Mwai Kibaki to request more troops.
Mr. Sharif who took office on January last year is yet to establish a stable Government that would bring opposition groups on board. In a bad twist of events the Prime Minister Sharmarke had to resign following a controversy with the president over the new constitution.
Mr. Sharmarke whose father was killed in 1960 coup of Said Barre, worked with the UN in DRC making his resignation a big blow which automatically rescind the all cabinet.
This contention can make the government whose mandate ends next year to have nothing to show of if the constitution stalls
The world need to watch and come to Somalia aid to bring order since the problem of Somalia is three fold, and doesn’t only affect Somalia but also the horn of Africa and the world at large.
First, the influx of foreign mujahedeen in Somalia affiliated to worldwide terrorist network Al Qaeda has most causality in innocent citizens.
Since the fall of central governance in early ’90 the number of Somalis living in asylum is high, the ones remaining feel the full brunt of the conflict either in conflict zones or refugee camps.
Secondly, Somalia is a neighbor whose problems have uncanny ability of spilling over the border. The lawlessness offers a putrid ground for islamists to strike neighbors.
 “Today, as this assembly convenes, the security situation in Somalia continue to deteriorate and threaten peace and stability across the entire region” Kibaki observed in the UN summit.
The 11th July bombing in Kampala which claimed 70 lives was orchestrated by the Al shabaab militants moving easily through Kenya.  Additionally, the 1998 Nairobi and Dar es Salaam bombing masterminds find a safe haven in Somalia.
Lastly, the world navies are trying to curb the piracy menace at the Gulf of Aden, this week a Greek operated ship with 12 Ukrainian crew was hijacked off the waters sailing to Mauritius. Sadly the world super powers presence seem not to deter the pirates on this important water way. Last year 197 incidents were reported on the waters.
The foreign fighter training in Somalia acquire the guerilla tactics and al Qaeda network which will eventually culminate to terrorism in their countries, that is if you consider Somalis living in diaspora heading back home to fight.
This is why when PM Sharmarke resigns and regional leaders in the region cry of Somalia crisis as an agenda in Kampala’s AU summit and New York 65th UN council, I have to be worried as an EASt African.

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