Thursday, June 9, 2011

China Central Television to expand its Nairobi, African offices

CCTV News Programming Director Zhuang Dianjun and Bitange Ndemo, permanent Secretary of Kenyan Information & Comm. Ministry during the opening of the bureau in Nairobi on Novermber last year
China is seeking to expand its media coverage in Africa by strengthening her CCTV Africa bureau in Nairobi which started in November last year, the station's  current 12 employees will be increased to over 150 within this year.

“The expansion of CCTV Africa will see more expansion of English and Chinese broadcast with footage from the continent to China, Africa and the rest of the world” Mr. Liang Xia Tao, President of China  International Television Corporation said.
Mr. Tao spoke when he paid  courtesy call on the Vice President Jogoo House office this morning.
Mr. Kalonzo commended the good relations existing between Kenya and China.
“For China to choose Nairobi, over South Africa shows the good relationship with not only Kenya, but also the whole of Africa” VP said.
Kenya has been offering broadcasting channel to CCTV, Radio China and Xinhua news through the state broadcaster Kenya Broadcasting Corporation, KBC.
This new expansion will put china in line with other international media channels like BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera and Deutsche Welle.

“China should be at par with  other major western media station including Al Jazeera since its huge population, Africans and the world need to be enlightened of Africa and China” Mr. Kalonzo observed adding that China should be the voice of developing countries.

Mr. Tao told the VP that Kenya with its centrality in the continent and support to Chinese media made it a preferable choice over South Africa.

Mr. Tao was accompanied by Wang Xiongxian, Deputy Director CCTV amongst others.

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