Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Kalonzo Musyoka: Devolution will help forge a new Kenya

Kalonzo Musyoka (Foreground) with (from Foreground) Mwai Kibaki, Raila Odinga and Musalia Mudavadi during past public function. 
June 7, 2011
Kenya needs to emphasize synergy between the new 47 counties to be formed as stipulated by the new constitution to build a strong democratic and multi-ethnic country.
This was said by Kenyan Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka today at Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC), Nairobi, during the International Symposium on Devolved Government in Kenya.
“County governments in their operational autonomy need to recognize their interdependence as a foundation for Kenyans to continue thinking nationally” the VP said.
Mr. Kalonzo advised that staff at public service of both national and county level need to reflect the national outlook.
“This calls for legislation that requires cross county recruitment of staff by the devolved governments” he observed.
The 2 day program which is another step to constitution implementation program was organized by Musalia Mudavadi whi is the Deputy Prime Minister and minister of Local Governments.
President Mwai Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odingaalso attended the conference
The VP said as a generation lucky to be entrusted with making of the new constitution, Kenyans should now embrace the onerous task of actualizing its implementation.
“The process of constitution making will impact on lives of generations to come, and this convention is a milestone to the devolution process” Kalonzo told guests in attendance.
He hoped the two day event will come up with a timeless document that will inspire the devolved government to be a center of excellence and prosperity to all Kenyans.

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