Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Kalonzo Musyoka: I will pay my taxes before end month

Kenyans qeueing to pay their taxes at Times Towers, KRA headquaters.
Members of Parliament should pay their taxes at the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) as an obligation stipulated in the new constitution.
Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka said today that he will join the queue at KRA headquarters in Times Towers like every other Kenyan to pay his atxes before the end of the month.
“As an obligation to every Kenyan citizen, I will pay my taxes before the end of month” the VP said.
Kalonzo was reacting to comments by Bob Collymore the CEO of Safaricom Limited today at Kenyatta International Conference Center (KICC) today during the Cisco Expo Conference.
Collymore shared a light moment with the audience about the current taxation debate of MPs which prompted the VP to comment on the matter.
“I have contacted Mr. Michael Waweru the KRA commissioner general and once he gets the amount of taxes due to him he will pay promptly” he said amid prolonged laughter from the audience.

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