Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Come on Sonko i am also a youth and don't feel represented

Yesterday the Makadara Mp Gidion Mbuvi alias Sonko led youth in protesting sgainst the deputy prime minister and minister for local governments Musalia Mudavadi at Jogoo House ‘A’ where I happened to intern.
Flanked by irate youths the MP who is cutting an image of representing the Kenyan youths was unruly in attacking Mudavadi with the media in tow.
The youths from South B were seeking redress when the city council demolished their stalls and opted to build more expensive ones which would be out of their reach.
Basically protesting a a means of seeking re-dress by any age group is not bad, but the hooligans accompanying Sonko yesterday were pitiable.
There is a thin line between peaceful demonstrations and heckling and hustling peaceful wananchi at the protest by passed this.
First the protesters forced their way through the gates, past the receptionists yelling obscenities before jamming the stairways and lift arrogantly.
Apart from defiantly littering the hall way with sugarcane peelings they went about abusing and sexually harassing females, and ‘dising’ us ‘Babylonian’ youths.
This went on as the MP was seeking redress with the Permanent Secretary over the issues.
There is nothing wrong with the MP addressing issues affecting youths in Nairobi but resorting to unethical demonstrations against the system, putting on bling and studs to parliament and focus more on putting across bills and initiatives to help youths.
Leadership is by example and what Sonko has done to the youth he seeks to represent amounts to nothing tangible, zeroing to a façade. These demonstrations are turning to a panacea to unemployment and unequal resource distribution affecting the youths.
And it’s a dearth of policies that makes opportunistic politicians like Sonko to seize an opportunity of using youths as pawns in furthering their ambitions.
Sonko’s numerous court appearances on charges of corruption and his alleged ties to drug trade is a far cry from change of youths but places him with the old guard marred with dirty titles to hold on public offices.

Published on Wednesday 18th May 2011 in Standard and Daily Nation. On Thursday 19th May 2011 in The People  

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