Monday, May 30, 2011

Government should expand Juja Road to ease jam

Ongoing construction at Thika road
The government should consider expanding the current construction at the junction of Juja Road with Pagani Girls to Eastlands.
This will not only supplement government’s road construction in the region like the Mathare North bus route commissioned by Njeru Githae the Nairobi Metropolitan minister, but ease the traffic on Thika road when finished since they run parallel to each other.
At this current state this important road to Eastlands is narrow causing traffic snarl up to Eastleigh , Pangani, Mathare, Huruma, Kariobangi, Dandora and Kayole areas amongst others.
In addition, the matatu and traffic avoiding Thika Road jam through Alsops and other ‘panya routes’ to the road add on the rush hour mess.
The traffic police’s attempt at controlling the traffic is overwhelmed by the narrow road especially next to Moi Air Force Base raising insecurity by thieves in the jams snatching away mobile phones from unsuspecting motorists and commuters.
Considering the increase in high rise buildings in the area and since the Eastlands is the first stop for rural-urban immigrants Juja road is bound to become a traffic nightmare equate to Thika Road before expansion.
To drive the point home the current state at Kariobangi roundabout next to Moi Forces Academy show the trend. The narrow roundabout connecting the City Center with four estates and Thika highway from Alsops is a mess of matatu cacophony and constant snarl up heightened by minimum police supervision.

Published in The Star 31st May 2011 and The Standard 31st May 2011

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