Friday, May 13, 2011

May someone tell Philip Kisia am Thirsty?

Hello Mr. Philip Kisia? We might have never met although now am a resident of the capital and a ‘worker’ at the CBD. Our luck of acquaintance is not attributed to whiskey or any other alcoholic drink because am a teetotaler (without qualms to any slur).
The reason for writing this post is to complain that am thirsty. To begin I could have written to you directly and avoid you scouring this blog but my grammar could not make me address you as the ‘Town Clerk of Nairobi City’
Equally, am lost to write the addressee as either ‘City Council of Nairobi’ or ‘Nairobi City Council’ even though our learned friends called to the bar (without whiskey) reasoned in the back loaded courts about the words meaning the same residence.
To avoid further digression, may I just bring to your attention that the watering points installed in the city center for free for Kenyans have stalled.
Though like all governments projects opened with fanfare before fizzling out this project was suppose to be a PR gimmick for the council and was received whole heartedly by Kenyans.
In particular am writing about the point next to Kencom bus station and in Tom Mboya street directly behind the Kenya National Archives. These points aided in serving the thirsty Nairobians like me.
Sir, now to quench my thirst I have to walk all the way to the City Hall’s along Mama Ngina drive for the precious pint.
The other points have been turned into benches and the Kencom one in particular turned into a pulpit by a lunch time preacher.
And while we are at it may you please unclog the sinks because there is nothing so ghastly than green mouth wash water next to a drinking water.
Before I quit and since we are at it, may someone please tell Mr. Kisia than am still thirsty?

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