Saturday, May 21, 2011

PNU alliance should unite to win Kamukunji- Uhuru Kenyatta, Beth Mugo

Deputy Prime minister Uhuru Kenyatta

The party of national unity, PNU should unite for the success of the Kamukunji by elections scheduled for next Monday.
Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, the DPM advised that the PNU candidate Yusuf Hassan was bound to win the election during a campaign rally yesterday.
“We support Yusuf as a national outlook in winning the 2012 elections” Mr. Kenyatta told supporters at the city Hall in Nairobi.
The Kamukunji seat felled vacant after Simon Mbugua become the eighth  MP to lose his seat over malpractices through a petion filed by  Orange Democratic Movement, ODM aspirant Ibrahim Ahmed alias Johnny who lost the poll.

In her ruling Justice Mary Ang'awa ruled that there was no valid result in the poll since it was compromised and lacked transparency.

Kamukunji by elections has turned into a battle ground for the 2012 general election.

 “The seat will aid in strengthening the PNU hand in parliament and the president (Mwai Kibaki) as the party leader is behind Yusuf” Beth Mugo, Nairobi representative of PNU and a cabinet minister said.
Mugo advised for unity to win the election.
PNU an affiliate party with ODM in the grand coalition government created after the 2007/08 PEV suffered a major loss in Nairobi legislature and civic seats and seeks this by election to boast its national outlook.
“The disarray of every member affiliated to PNU fielding their own candidate made us lose greatly to ODM in Nairobi and we should be united to win” Kenyatta said.
He added that Yusuf won the nomination as the party candidate and Uhuru advised for collective support.
The same sentiments were echoed by Ferdinand Waititu the Embakasi MP, Njeru Githae a cabinet minister, several MPs, party members and civic leaders.
Yusuf Hassan
Mr. Yusuf Hassan is counting on his track as a journalist with KBC and UN to eradicate poverty, built infrastructure and social amenities for Kamukunji.
“I will ensure I have my offices in the constituency, closer to the people to offer transparency in CDF and curb land grabbing” the candidate said.
The campaign trail made stop over at city hall in CBD, Tom Mboya social Hall in the constituency and several estates.
PNU plans a major rally today in the backdrop of a court order filled by Paul Waweru of National Vision Party, NVP who said his nomination ticket were denied by the electoral body IIEC.
High Court judge Justice Daniel Musinga issued an injunction stopping the by elections on grounds that the nomination process was flawed by IIEC.

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