Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Vice President urges graduates to be creative


The Kenyan Vice President Hon. Kalonzo Musyoka has urged gradates to be creative in their approach to making the world a better place. The VP was talking during the 46th annual graduation ceremony of Scott Theological College in Machakos town today.

“You should not do things the same way they were done years ago least you be certain of recording diminished results year 9in year out” the VP said.

Hon. Kalonzo also lauded the contribution of missionaries in the country in terms of higher education, infrastructure and opening greater prospects for Kenyan for the past century.

The college was started in 1895 by African Inland Mission headed by Peter Cameron Scott making it synonymous with the country’s Christian history.

“We as Kenyans should not bask in the glory of our christian values which brought salvation and good news to us” the Vp said challenging the graduands to show love and tolerance to other Kenyans.

Manuel Odeny

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